When you're in a relationship the person you are with should be the one you want to tell everything to, who is the one you call when you have just a minute to say hello, the person you talk to first thing in the morning and last at night.
When you have the person you are meant to be with, there isn't anything you'd rather do than be with them, having each other is the best entertainment there could be.
When you have a person who brings the best out in you, who supports you in all you do, who makes you feel like the most important person in their life, that's the person you should be with.
Relationships should be easy, people make them harder than they need to be.
*Ashley Marie*
Just the everyday babble from a girl who is happier than she ever imagined. Living a wonderful life, sharing it with wonderful people and smiling every day!
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Friday, September 28, 2012
There isn't anyone other than this man that I'd rather be with. I feel like the luckiest girl to have found such a wonderful person who brings out only the best in me. Together we can take on anything. With each others support of one another, we can conquer anything life throws at us. Everyday is a new adventure and life sure is great!! Even after this long, we still look forward to all the quality time and talks we have together. :)
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Long day but worth it
What a long day. Yesterday I drove from Rochester Michigan to Morris Illinois, not too bad, a 6 hour drive. But it was very much worth it all to be able to see my man. Today I had to wake up at 5 am, but due to a dog barking in the hotel we were awoken at 430! We then got up and headed to the event Matt was working. I spent the entire day there. It started out so freezing and windy that it was almost unbearable. But it was worth it. I puts around and checked out all the vendors and looked at everything there was that the festival had to offer. It felt like such a long day. Well it was. I'm ready to relax with my man tonight and then head back to pick up our little boy tomorrow. I love my life. I'm lucky to have a man who just wants me around all the time. Even when he is busy he just likes having me there. I love him so much!!
Monday, July 9, 2012
Have you ever been with someone who just makes you constantly smile?
Someone who makes you feel so excited just to hear their voice?
Someone who's touch just gives you slight goosebumps and butterflies in your tummy?
Someone who laughs at the same ridiculous things you do?
Someone who is truly happy just being next you in any setting?
Someone who in every way, fits you?
I have that someone, I love my someone very much, with all of my heart.
I have never met a man like him. He is truly amazing.
The sound of his voice, the sight of his smile, the feeling of his touch..
he makes me feel like the luckiest girl ever.
As a kid you always hear, "it’s the little things that count the most", and really, it is..
I had never understood this until I saw it firsthand.
A kiss on the cheek, holding of the hands, or an arm around you holding you tight, a call just to say hello... those are such minimal actions that mean so much..
I have never understood how someone could say they have met that one person they know they will be with until the end of their time, or a soul mate and whatnot.. but I guess it honestly takes it happening to you to understand the meaning of it all..
The person I want to be with forever and ever is the person I have chosen to be with and the person who has chosen to be with me.
There is no one else I could ever have imagined spending my life with, experiencing all these new things, and having all these adventures in our life, other than the person I am sharing my life with now.
I can honestly boast about how great life is, because it really is.. because I have a man who loves me, Who I love like no one else in this universe, who wants to come home to me, who enjoys the time we spend together, and who has always and will always be my biggest supporter, as I will be for him as well.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Don't get lost in the Mumbo Jumbo of Life
There are so many things in life to remember, to be thankful for.. there really isn’t time to be negative, to see the bad in things or to be mad.
People get lost in the mumbo jumbo of life, they get caught up in the day to day stressors and let it get them down.
Everyone has something going on in their life, but it is how you handle it that makes you the person you are.
You have to appreciate what is here, now. Not what there was at one particular point in time.
To be a positive person, it starts from the inside and exudes outward..
Confidence, calmness, clarity and rational, are all things that over time can be learned…
Many do not see that they can change in this sort of way, feeling like there is nothing to be happy about, feeling as though no one cares…
In all actuality, you CAN change and people DO care more than you believe.
There is always some words of encouragement that someone is wanting to hear, some sort of “pep” talk to perk up their spirits..
Life is tough, but why make it even harder with negative attitudes toward things?
Only you can ruin your day, your own attitude, your outlook….. YOU do that, no one else.
Friday, March 16, 2012
I've found mine, have you?
There comes a point in life, when you realize that you have met the person you are meant to be with, the person who you are never bored with, the person that you enjoy doing every daily thing with, the person you talk to all the time, never go a day without telling each other what is happening in your life, the person in which you confide in, trust with everything you could ever imagine, and feel safe with…
There are few people who actually realize what they have while they have it.
There are few people who actually hold on to the greatness they have found.
There are few people who appreciate the little things in a relationship.
The things that seem so little, so minute, are actually VERY important.
Calling just to say hello, a kiss on the cheek, holding hands, a hug when you really need it, remembering the things you love and hate.. these are important things.
To someone who hasn’t found their “person” (as a friend of mine calls it) these things don’t seem so important.
When you realize you have met that person you are supposed to be with, you will know it.
Not just a lust feeling, or a puppy love feeling… a feeling of really caring about this certain someone, caring about the opinions they have, the actions they take, the gestures they make toward you.
Relationships are a two way street, but it shouldn’t be a difficult one.
When you “click” with someone, you just “click”… there’s nothing more to it..
I’m lucky to have found my “person” and I couldn’t imagine my life without him.
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My man and I at the Detroit Red Wings Game |
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Our little Boy :) |
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
We are in charge of our attitudes, the way we react to things, the way we accept or deny things, the way we approach life and situations. Life and the way you see it or experience it revolves around the attitude you put forth.
So many of us wake up daily with a chip on our shoulder, we just cant seem to shake, but in reality, is it worth that crappy vibe you put out? Is it worth snapping at someone who is briefly attempting to speak with you? In all actuality, no.
If you are in a horrible mood, or put out a vibe that affects everyone around you, stop and think, what are you really mad about, what is really bothering you, can you fix it, can anyone other than you fix it, is being rude or inconsiderate toward someone going to make you feel better? Probably not. There are things in life that will always come up, hurdles to jump, mountains to climb… you have to be willing to put forth the effort to overcome these things, and hope the people in your life are going to be alongside you as long as you allow it.
Be ready for the next hurdle in life by approaching instances with confidence and exude your positive feelings toward it.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
The Same
The road of life is never ending. Even if your life is still and your head sleeps against the same pillow every night, your life is constantly in motion heading down the road. You won't see everything you want to see. You won't go everywhere you want to go. You won't always be able to share the experience with everyone you want to. You can whine about it, or enjoy the adventure. Filling ones life with positivity, happiness, laughter can only be done by yourselve. Not one person can change the person YOU are.
Be the person you are happiest being, don't allow others to bring you down, or change your perspective on things.
As we get older we change. We change our opinions, we change the way we look, we change the things we enjoy.. but underneath all that change, we are the same as we were before the heartache, before the life lessons, before the pain, suffering, happiness and everything else that comes with life.. we are still the same person, just with a little more insight, a little more knowledge.. a little more strength to take on the everyday tasks that once felt like they were too much to handle.. a little more understanding when it comes to things that may frustrate someone.. a little more patience.. a little more sympathy for others, but still, no matter how much change is done, underneath it all, we are the same.
Lactose Intolerant
So I am lactose intolerant, this means (usually) I can’t eat any dairy without my stomach completely hurting….
Creamers in my coffee, milk in my cereal, yogurt, ice cream.. cheese…… it is not fun.. they make these lactose pills you can take when you are eating or drinking something, and sometimes they work.. but sometimes they don’t.. it is a real inconvenience at times because all I really would like to do is enjoy a cup of coffee with some hazelnut creamer and not feel sick to my stomach… but I guess that won’t be happening any time soon, and I won’t be “quitting” coffee, so let’s hope the lactose pills work more often than not.. ha-ha.
I’m glad I’m not allergic to dairy, I can still consume it… sometimes it affects me and sometimes not. It is a weird thing.
Anyone else deal with any sort of lactose problem or a food allergy?
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
This West Coast Girl............
Where should I begin?
This west coast girl, born in Cali, grew up in Nevada,
is now living in Michigan…. Since August 2011.
From Vegas (NV) to Rochester (MI)..
Well the opportunity to better myself and the chance of having a real career are two major things that brought me here.
Since moving here, I have come to realize that I am a very well rounded individual.
With my experience in so many different fields, it definitely gives me the opportunity to do well in a place that lacks the unique-ness in people, a place that lacks the “drive” to do more than just “go to work”, a place where many people my age have already been married and have a child or two..
I am among the few females my age, in this state, that do not have any children and are not yet married. (not saying I don’t want that, but I know that’s down the road for me)
I feel like that may work in my favor here in Michigan.
I have been working at a great Pharmaceutical company for the last 6 months and absolutely love what I do, regardless if this turns into a career or not, it is purely awesome experience to add to the roster of things I can and have done.
I have a drive to be the best I can be in my lifetime….
No matter what I WILL succeed. I know this with every fiber of my being.
This journey we call life, this randomness will only happen the way you make it happen.. sometimes life is crazy, stressful and hard, but we always find a way to make it happier, more comfortable, and less intense.
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